14 January 2012

Trip stamps.

During my trip to Madrid, I mostly visited family. But I took a notebook and a watercolor box almost everywhere. So in between shops, friends and museums I took a few breaks to sit and sketch what was in front of me. Here are some of my favorites. All in watercolor.

Plaza Carlos Cambronero , Madrid

El Rio Manzanares.

Plaza de España

Catedral de Salamnca

Fuente de Apolo, Paseo del Prado

Plaza de los Chisperos.

Plaza de Olavide.
Plaza Cánovas del Castillo.


  1. These are all terrific, and inspire me to get a little watercolor kit too. What size sketchbook do you use? Thanks for your guidance, always.

  2. Hi Judy. there are many travel kits available. I use a tiny Sennelier plastic box like this one but you can use any kind you like, as a matter of fact I sometimes just bring my metalic watercolor palette instead.:

    Metal palette:

    I bring a bottle of water and two small brushes. Also a paper towel. My favorite notebook is the Moleskin watercolor but for the madrid sketches i used an AquaBee Wet media notebook which is a lot less apt for wet media than what you would expect.


  3. You make it all come alive, Jose.

    One of these days I'm going to go back to visit Spain. I was there so long ago and loved it.. I imagine it's changed, but still is beautiful.

  4. Nice work. I especially like the image of the Plaza de Olavide, where I live. Regards

  5. Nice work. I especially like the image of the Plaza de Olavide, where I live. Regards
