28 May 2010
Tony Pro's workshop Part 1. Set up.
So I *finally* had a chance to take a workshop with the Tony Pro. I've been trying to take it for years, quite literally. Something always got in the way. I think Pro is one of those awesome painters we are lucky to have around giving classes for which one doesn't have to take out a bank loan to attend.
I wasn't disappointed. Tony did a demo of his friend Martin. He captured the character masterfully. There is no replacing attending a workshop but -as I did for my workshop with Sean Cheetham, http://josedejuan.blogspot.com/2009/06/sean-cheetham-workshop-day-3.html I will post some highlights.
Tony teaches with the limited Zorn palette but for demo's he likes to have all the weaponry, including a couple of pre-mixed colors for lighting cool areas and warm areas :Radiant Blue and Naples Yellow. Here is a picture of his palette.
He uses a variety of transparent colors including transparent red oxide, ultramarine blue , alizarin crimson permanent and viridian. Alizarin is considered too tinting to use for under-drawing so Tony -for this demo- used a mix of viridian and red oxide. Venetian red also has a powerful tinting strenght.
As for brushes , he used a variety of flats and brights and the occasional filbert and a smallish round for details. You can see the list of materials from his website.
Tony used a slightly tinted linen Claessens #13 canvas, oil primed. The purpose of this demo was teaching how to see the color of light. So some explanations about the Kelvin temperature of the lights pointed at the model were in order. The model was illuminated by a cold 5200K light from above and from below with a 3200K much warmer light that created interesting highlights and edges on the receding side of the face.
Jose, great post!