09 June 2008

My first demo...

...was a success! I actually managed to overcome the nervousness, be somewhat articulate and create a nice little (but hurried) painting with a semblance of competence. The audience was small but interested and I found it very rewarding. Alice lee, the president of the San Gabriel Valley Artist Association admitted to the difficulties of leading such an organization but I think she is doing an outstanding job and I have vowed to be more participative in the associations I belong to like the Pasadena Society of Artists, the San Gabriel Valley Assoc. and that pesky and somewhat out-of-touch California Art Club. Here I am sweating it out along with a sample of my "rehearsal" piece which was the door price. I kept the actual demo piece.
This is a view of Isabel Street in Highland Park. The bouganvillea was too much to resist.


    And judging from the street scene below the blog.... a well deserved honor to be selected to demo!
    I accidently found your blog because when I did an alert on the California Art Club I got all sorts of things... not realizing that specific alerts needed to be in quotes... BUT LOOK I FOUND YOU!

    Enjoyed the blog... I'll be back. Keep painting.

  2. You did a fantastic job. I love the intense color and the looseness of the brush work.

  3. Congrats Jose!
    You look very composed and confident. The San Gabriel Valley Association was very fortunate to have you as a demonstrator!
    Love the bouganvillea!
